My wife and I are considering to downsizing to one car. I'm curious to know how many of you have made the same decision. What was it like for you? What would you advise somebody about doing this?
It would take my 30-minute commute and turn it to a 45 to 50-minute commute. This is for a job that is a typical 9-to-5 in an air-conditioned building.
If I wanted to see my friends but leave my family with the car, it would take about 50 minutes to get to a train station near them and another 15-minute walk but virtually no walk at all if they decided to meet me at the bar next to the train station.
We live in an area that is unburdened by snow or excessive heat. The walk through the neighborhoods to the train are relatively safe at the times I would be walking them.
I would plan to start by just not using the car that I do have, and see how it goes.
Set me up for success.
this territory is moderated
As a teacher, I set people up for success for a living!
You probably want to plan for what you want to do during these extra 15-20 mins of commute so that you don’t get angsty over lost time and productivity. And honestly, scrolling the internet mindlessly or gluing yourself to a downloaded show works as well if you need to decompress from your work pressures.
Here is a list of things I do:
  • plan a list of undone tasks to prepare for the next day
  • read a book
  • post something on SN or Publish0x
  • shut my eyes n breathe
  • call a friend to chat
As you can see, I’m not a man of routine. I think my wife reads a book every day on her commute. She’s disciplined; that’s why I married her haha.
Last year, I used to run from my workplace to the metro station to clock in my daily need for exercise. This year has been crazy but I expect to get back to it.
Download the sMiles app if you don’t want sacrificing your privacy for petty sats. @Undisciplined has a referral code. I used to do that but unfortunately it doesn’t accept my phone number as verification haha
Use the walks as a chance to explore new things around the neighborhood. Curiosity kills boredom.
My wife and I have done this for 5 years. Luckily, we are both self-employed so that makes it easier.
Make sure to keep up maintenance on your vehicle. When your car goes down it can really really suck.
Communication becomes critical with your wife. Learn to plan for the upcoming week. It will help big time!
My wife and I have never had more than one car. It works for us and saves a lot of money.
good on you mate. u can replace it with a bike or el. scooter
No, I wouldn't have done that if I had two. Unfortunately I even don't have one. So, thank God, I didn't have to think about it. 😜😜 BTW, it's better if you can manage with one when you have two. Most people wouldn't care that much. Anyways it would work wonders for you, for your family and for the environment as well.