This is a CoinJoin/Mixer happening right? Multiple addresses in and multiple addresses with varying amounts out.
I was curious about this address and whether or not it was by the authentic jdownloader software crew or some fake-pretenders who were scamming people. BitRef gives simpler data for non-savvy people like me There's bitcoin going in and then the same amount going out immediately.
How do I judge whether this address belongs to the real authentic jdownloader software maker team or some scammers? Of course, even the authentic real team is likely to use CoinJoin/Mixer. The reason for my doubt is because i tried downloading jdownloader (it's a simple open source free app for downloading efficiently) and the first link i landed up on from some forum had my. in it, and during install AVG flagged it. So i looked online if this flagged notification (PUP probably stands for Potentially Unsafe Program) was correct or a false-positive (lol are these terms correct?). Reddit said that (of course) Antivirus software often mistakenly marks ok programs as not ok. But indeed, after clicking the link i from the Reddit post, i did not see the "my" prefix in "" in the link that downloaded the webinstaller. So, I became suspicious, that maybe the earlier download was from a malicious site. They had various donation addresses up, including bitcoin. And so here I am now, newbie-wannabe-sherlock sleuthing and asking dumb questions. Kindly oblige!
People are up-satting (is this what we should call upvoting?) this post but please someone confirm my query and say "Yes." or something!
Lol Rotty died, i posted this yesterday #HAHA