Feelings provide decision making where reason is slow, unavailable, irrelevant, or inadequate.
I think this is important. We train our emotions over time, with our experiences and our beliefs. In a complex situation, all of that training manifests in a feeling (or many feelings) that may be truthier than if we sat down to puzzle out the situation from scratch.
We should trust our feelings and we should be careful about how we train them.
In some small mundane way you are better than all of us. Likely, you are better than all of us in many big important ways too.
This is the meaningful way in which it can be true that most people are better than average. We all attach a different significance to everything and dedicate our efforts accordingly. That allows most of us to be better than most people at the things we think are important.
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We should trust our feelings and we should be careful about how we train them.
Indeed. This is why small things are not small. Seemingly insignificant acts have great consequences -- when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.