pull down to refresh

I enjoy SN primarily from my phone. When I pull it up, I hope directly to Recent. I don't move to any particular territory, just taking in everything from A to Z. From there, I find titles that catch my eye or usernames that have entertained or shown value before. I award sats accordingly on a range of posts that make me go "hmm" and those that rock my world.
I admit here a certain guilt about not also adding a comment on a post that I've awarded. Comments can express the specific value I get from a post, but the sats and zaps will do when I'm short on time.
I have noticed that when replying to comments, volleying back and forth more than 3-4 times feels excessive for the platform. I am unsure if that's because of the layout, the nuanced pace of discourse, or how the former has dictated the latter. Am I alone in this?
After that foray into Recent, I head over to Hot to see what is, well, hot. There I repeat the same review. I rarely visit Top, but when I do, I am ready to do a deep-dive investigation of the rankings.
I will repeat this process maybe 2 or 3 times a day, and each time is punctuated by looking through my notifications, where I see those that I subscribe to building a healthy inventory of zappable sat-stacking goodness. I only subscribe to around 4 people right now. I would subscribe to more if those others weren't already readily present in the Hot and Recent categories.
Posting and drafting a post is wildly different affair, and since I am still pretty new, without many established conventions. But I will say that I generally, click the 'Post' button and then pick a territory rather than starting in the territory and posting.
I am curious. What is your SN routine?
I'm still very new to stackernews, at least under this profile, but my routine thus far has been to wake up and look through recent on the home section. I try to at least comment on one post per day, and do my best to post myself on whatever topic comes to mind.
I personally don't mind the discussion style format of stackernews even if the back and forth goes over 3, 4 times. This sort of space on the internet where you can have truthful and honest discussions (while zapping and getting zapped as an awesome plus) is lacking greatly so I really appreciate stackernews in that sense. And it's much easier to get noticed and shown appreciation for contributing with something of true value in comparison to say other fiat social media alternatives where creators and consumers are both motivated by dopamine stimulating content instead of providing and finding actual value. And I have been pleasantly surprised with how generous stackers are on here both in terms of zaps and with the thoughtful comments!
This sort of space on the internet where you can have truthful and honest discussions (while zapping and getting zapped as an awesome plus) is lacking greatly so I really appreciate stackernews in that sense.
This is the only place I've found where you can actually have a conversation. I love this aspect of SN so much.
This truly is one of those good corners of the internet we always hope for
And it's much easier to get noticed and shown appreciation for contributing with something of true value in comparison to say other fiat social media alternatives where creators and consumers are both motivated by dopamine stimulating content instead of providing and finding actual value.
Genuine and specific feedback after providing something of value is a refreshing interplay on here. I hadn't thought about the contrast with other social media alternatives. In my mind, the call for conversation and the incentives to carry it on honestly puts SN in another category.
I have noticed that when replying to comments, volleying back and forth more than 3-4 times feels excessive for the platform. I am unsure if that's because of the layout, the nuanced pace of discourse, or how the former has dictated the latter. Am I alone in this?
I’d be really curious about this. I get the impression it can be a lot too but I’m not sure how it can be improved.
I'm all for making things better, but I should emphasize that I'm enjoying the pace so far. My assumptions is the back and forth threshold has more to do with the community than the layout.
Do I crave more back-and-forth? Not really. Frankly, if the conversation gets much longer, I think it warrants a fresh post for more attention and more space for insight. It would be over handling the features to create an efficient way to link that post to the initial back and forth (option to creat a new post from a comment maybe), but it's a gratuitous inclusion for someone to do manually that I wouldn't mind zapping when I saw it.
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I have two opposite routines from yours. Haha. One, I never zap something I don’t later comment on. I think in my mind, I don’t want to be one of those who just spots trending posts and zaps early in order to get sats. Not suggesting that you are an sats farmer though! I also think it I zap something and ask a question, I will usually benefit from the response the OP gives me, so that’s why I pair zapping + commenting.
Secondly, an idea floats in my mind. I mentally categorise under the most appropriate territory. And then I come to SN to write. In fact, these days I collect fun facts and book recommendations in preparation for subsequent weeks haha
I don’t want to be one of those who just spots trending posts and zaps early in order to get sats.
I had to reach out to another stacker to figure out what you meant by zapping early earning sats. I had no idea that upped the daily reward. I am not often the first to zap, so I don't know how much I'm benefiting from that function, but now that I know it exists, I'm not sure my stroll through Recent will feel the same.
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Come, read, zap what I like, post what I like, but also LEARN! Daily
i agree, when replying to someone comment it. That lay out gets underneath and soon, Maybe theyll enhance it in the future