I was 100% all in on apple. Have been for 10+ years now. No more. Fuck the App store. They turned into a worst version of the Microsoft they mocked in their 1984 ad.
I used to have nearly every Apple device. But im souring to them. Lots of little things, like making Damus remove the zaps feature.. wtaf
GrapheneOS, linux, OSS, all kinds of things are helping me replace Apple.
MacBooks are still the best laptops tho... like OP said, its not about replacing apple, but building a constellation of personal computing solutions.
This is exactly my mindset. I’m starting to get concerned with how apple is coming across and want to make sure that I’m prepared to make a switch with as much knowledge as possible.
They want to take away PWAs in Europe?!
Burn apple down!
They are becoming enemy #1.
That story about PWA is what made me go ok, I need to look at something else or at least understand what that process is like because I love the Mutiny wallet and for them block PWA, not cool.