This is Chapter 16 From The Book The Rogue Scholar The Rogue To Victory. Chapter 15 is here.


Chapter 16
Part 1
Archive File 0097634ety Excerpt from Sigmus Practicar's "The Old Gods"
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What is known of the Old Gods we most get from secondary sources. It is widely thought that when the Shapers--the holy ones--began their task they saw the falseness of the old Gods. After all, the old Gods had done nothing but bring strife and war. Frequently, it appeared that one God was replaced by another--and then that God would be replaced by yet another.
Before the emergence of the holonosphere, we have what appears to be widespread worship of a monist God through various religions. Even though each of these religions depicts God as being but a single entity, they accuse one another of worshiping the wrong depiction of this single entity. Rather than having warring Gods as in the pre-ancient era, they have warring truths as to who has the correct conception of God and who, on the other hand, is deserving of death and destruction as an infidel. So even though every monist religion sees there being but one God, they apparently do not simultaneously see that one God must necessarily be everyone and everything. As God is not in the business of killing himself via suicide, it behooves us to wonder on what grounds these monist religions felt justified in killing others for having beliefs different than their own. The only logical conclusion is that these religions wanted a puppet version of God. By generating a certain lack of access to Him, or only providing one path, it allows them to judge others who do not see things as they do which often resulted in the deaths of those with whom they disagreed. In such sanctimoniousness, they ascribed the deaths to God's will.
Fortunately, the Shapers saw the folly in this position, and steam-rolled monism just as monism steam-rolled the belief in polytheism. They did in fact provide the one-true view or religion with them as the architects. Still, we run against another curious problem with the monist God and the old Gods. A God or Gods are immortal by definition. In the old God's case, we see that one God deposes another, not that one God kills another. If there is but one God then He must assume many forms as nothing can exist without being God. Though he is but one, he is many. He is a plurality in addition to being a monist. So while He is One, He is also many. This means the old Gods have not died. Where then have they gone?
Bless the Shapers for curing us of the monist/plurality curse! There is but ONE truth, and that is the truth that leaves their lips!
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