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A place where we Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
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Thunder - You Can't Live Your Life In A Day

One of my all time favourite Thunder tracks is this one. It's one of their slower ones and the lyrics are incredible, so poignant. Luke Morley is one of the most underrated songwriters out there who doesn't get the appreciation he deserves.
One of my fave Thunder tracks. To be fair there aren't many I don't like haha. Very reflective for this Wednesday morning :)
I was considering Love walked in this morning. But chose pendulum just to mix it up a bit.
Gotta love Thunder.
Looking forward to tomorrow. Tbh I've just had to go off and watch it on YT now you've mentioned it. Still looking forward to tomorrow though and I'll watch it again 😂
So here's one of the greatest rock voices on one of the best rock songs, ever but acoustic. Lots of nah, nah nah's
You keep saying he's got the best vocals in rock... And this gives me an idea...
We should have a championship of musicians! Some fun polls and a playoff bracket type thing to crown SN Musics most revered insert specialism here maybe we in the end pit them all against each other and vote favourites until we get an overall greatest musician as voted for by SN Music?? 🤔
Am I beginning to sound like a stuck record? 😂 Fun polls sounds like a grand plan. There's Vocalist, Guitarist, Pianist, Drummer polls to name but 4 and also encouraging a comment or two.
Haha when you have a favourite you go to bat for them 😂. I wonder if we could assemble over the course of a little competition a SNs fantasy superband! Could even discuss where this superband is going to play their 1 show, what could be the coolest venue. Lots of avenues to explore.
Nice new nym btw 03 😉
I'll be crying on my keyboard if Danny doesn't win 😂 Coolest venue, good shout
Hahaha 🤣.
Spoiler alert ... I'm gunna vote for The Collosseum as the venue 😉 that would truly be epic. But I'd also accept submissions such as but not limited to... The moon and underwater in a gungan inspired city we're now going to call Atlantis 🤣
Thanks, been sitting on the nym for a few days now, just tweaked it today before going live with it. Ob1 rather than Obi Wan, more in keeping with tech. Plus I went and did an Ai pic and it turned out better than I expected with the orange lightsabre.
Haha when you have a favourite you go to bat for them 😂. I wonder if we could assemble over the course of a little competition a SNs fantasy superband! Could even discuss where this superband is going to play their 1 show, what could be the coolest venue. Lots of avenues to explore.
Nice new nym btw 03 😉
Today I'm in 80s Vibes
Damn... I was saving that for throwback Thursday 🤣 ✊
I'm ahead of you! But it's still a great song!
Oh don't worry, I'll find something just as good ;)
long time did not hear, as i rarely listen to radio
but it s my teenager time :P
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I'm remembering an album I used to have on CD. Honestly, this album warrants a comprehensive post of its own but, sadly, I don't have time to do it the justice it deserves.
It's the Mike & the Mechanics Hits Album. You can listen to to the entire album here I highly recommend it if you have time. Every single track on this is a masterpiece. It's impossible to pick just one but I have chosen Word of Mouth as the lyrics seem really poignant today more than ever (lyrics in the comment below)
The other track I really wanted to post along side this is The Living Years. In 1996, famed composer Burt Bacharach said the song was one of the finest lyrics of the last ten years and I have to agree. However, it comes with a warning, it is so reflective and emotionally charged, I haven't linked it here as I don't don't want to make anyone cry this fine morning (seriously, take heed & don't say I didn't warn you!!).
Great track 02, love this album, so difficult to pick a favourite. They were never on my radar until the hits album came out and then I realised, I knew all of them. Must have been the radio, I did listen to the radio a lot in the '80's
Now I have gorjira and Mike and the mechanics to get through over the next couple of gym sessions.
Oooh Mike & the Mechanics Hits will make good gym tunes!
I hope so... Im putting together quite the backlog of recommendations nowadays, these dailies and even the weekly themed posts have given me so much music to listen to and dive deeper into.
It did. I didn't realise I recognised so many of their tracks but hadnt realised it was them... Especially "over my shoulder" that was massive over here. Great shout 02.
Lyrics - Word of Mouth
Now the world is getting older There's a few things to be said Do you believe the things they told you Do you believe the things you've read
There's a rumour on the corner But it's always been denied Cause they don't want you any wiser You're just toeing the party line
From the west side to the east side From the north side to the south You'll never get bad information If you believe in the word of mouth
Look out for those who still want to hang on Look out for those who live in the past Get out and listen to the whisper Because the times are changing fast
From the west side to the east side From the north side to the south You'll never get bad information If you believe in the word of mouth
You don't believe the information You don't believe it when it's denied So when you're reading explanations You have to read between the lines
From the west side to the east side Through the windows I'm looking out You'll never get bad information If you believe in the word of mouth
Bang right in the face. Can't ignore what's being said there.
Really applicable to today.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @doofus 28 Feb
Huge hit! Massive track! Great submission. I was talking with 03 (now 0b1) about how just like clockwork a UK radio station used to play this at 1400 everyday. Great track.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @Roll 28 Feb
Mastodon!!! They have such incredible guitar riffs and licks. Really really clever musicians.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 28 Feb
i ve discovered them a few years back and it became one of my favorite band nowdays
Moreover, this album is a mix of what they did in the past and will be in the future :)
Little bit of pendulum to perk up your morning.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Roll 28 Feb
xcelent mix drum bass
need to discover that, cheers :)
Their live at Brixton album was fantastic. I was at that gig so the album brings up a lot of good memories for me.