It's simple: If I'm getting a bargain, dynamic pricing is amazing! If I'm paying more, it's the worst thing ever! :-)
Seriously, I'm fine with it in general, but I also like some notion of there being a cap I can know ahead of time. If I know a Wendy's burger could cost as little as $3 or as much as $10, that gives me a sense of what I could expect. But if I walk into Wendy's and they've got a rush and have jacked the price to $50, that's a little ridiculous.
Now granted, that's where I use capitalism and walk away, but walking away from a Wendy's burger is easy. With rideshares, I've had times where we've gone out somewhere and then been hit with surge pricing on the way back. It would be good to know the worst-case possibility before I go out, since otherwise, I may end up either being gouged or being stuck.
(So I guess my answer is that I like the potential surge pricing, but not the current model.)
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