Links/pictures would be awesome!
People that heat their pools, hot tubs, or home water heaters.
I heat my entire house in the winter / cold months, but I'd like to get on their level of engineering.
Installing water heaters is an interesting Bitcoin based business idea nudge nudge
I heard this company was considering making a residential version of their proprietary boiler system.
Eh eh register an LLC start installing boilers ordered directly from this company eh eh wink wink nudge nudge
Oh wowww, that's almost 2 years ago - what a pioneer and what a great name 😂😂
I used to have a bunch bookmarked on my old twitter account before I got perma banned.
Like @nerd2ninja is not so subtly alluding to, there is a clear business idea staring us in the face. Space heaters, pool heaters, hot tub heaters, water heaters, greenhouses, RV heating with an S9. I think I even saw someone heating up his chicken coop on twitter 😂
Lots of possibilities!
I guess you'd want an application where you need continuous heat and ideally a lot of it. Otherwise, it'd be fun to make a grilled cheese with ASIC heat.
I'm picturing one of those giant commercial sandwich ovens powered by S9's 😂
I wonder how long it would take to toast buns or melt cheese with some overclocked ASICs 🤔
I think someone made Beef Jerky with ASICs and other meat curing excursions.
Meat curing is a good one!
Failing to come up with a world class pun: Bit Jerky, Satoshi nibbles, Beef Nonces
koob, go eat dinner, you're thinking of food XD
Greenhouses in cold areas are in fact so in need of heating that they will plug 100s of 100 TH/s heat emitters for just the constant hot dry air alone.
If some modifications can be made to the air passing through a big miner gets treated, I think they could even be used to sterilize air and remove moisture in Clean Room environments.
The Rocket