Any amount of Bitcoin increases in value indefinitely ⚡️ , such that carelessly losing even a single sat is a net loss that—like the energizer bunny 🐇—grows and grows and grows.
Don't believe me? Think about the OGs. Here's Satoshi casually referencing the bros throwing tens of thousands of bitcoin away just over a decade ago:
Any of you early adopters who generated tens of thousands of coins back in the early days, are you willing to send a few to the Faucet to be given away so more people can try out Bitcoin? I know that most of them are likely to be lost (I suspect there a lot of slashdot lookey-loos who won’t stickaround long enough to spend their 5 bitcoins), but if that’s the case then that’ll just increase the value of your other bitcoins, anyway...
This doesn't, of course, mean not to trade your sats, but to recognize that the whole network is valuable (“property in cyberspace”) because it's the first and only absolute scarcity.
As far as the poll, "What level of buying power causes pain..." well, that's classified 😊
I think about this a lot in the various instances where I've left a few sats stuck in a wallet. Newbie mistakes before I had learned very much about bitcoin. If everybody loses a few SATs here and there that really will add up. And it's a number that only can go up. Kind of eerie to think about. Will there be some future where there are only a couple trillion sats left?