Why do you assume I work to make money?
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hahaha, Nice flex, that made my day
fwiw I didn't mean it as a flex in the sense that I have a lot of money because I don't. I'm just not motivated to work for anything more than a basic amount of money which I can acquire working a basic amount of hours.
I work long hours because I enjoy my work.
319 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 29 Feb
Fair enough Thank you for your service. You are nailing it
I mean when you should and have to work for money and you are working something that you do not like ...
It seems like you define work as undesirable things you do out of necessity. I define it as producing value.
Working for your own business it's productive value,,, working for others for long hours for fixed salary it's not productive at all
working for others for long hours for fixed salary it's not productive at all
It depends on the work. I worked long hours for others for a fixed salary before working for my own business because I wanted to learn how to produce more value ... so I could eventually work for myself. I don't think about the work that I'm choosing to do like it's slavery ... because I worked really hard to find work that I enjoy doing.
319 sats \ 1 reply \ @Karlm OP 29 Feb
Hope you more and more success
Working for long hours per day that makes your health get worse I think it's for money..
105 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 29 Feb
Money is not why I work long hours even if that’s the only reason why you would work long hours.
I think it's the only reason