The real unlock will be when there are good options to use your bitcoin stack as collateral to borrow fiat to finance the lifestyle you want.
I am not suggesting you never sell a sat but you probably don't want to try to time the market and get out at the top hoping to buy again during the next bear market. The end goal of each cycle should be to have more sats then you had last cycle and then to arbitrage the fiat melting ice cube as your stack grows.
I'm not timing the market trying to sell at the top. It's more about: what percentage of my disposable income should I put into stacking vs enjoying life. Different market stages (bear vs bull) have different answers and if I get it wrong, I'm not losing sats, I'm just stacking less and living more instead.
Gotcha. My mistake.
why do you imply there aren't good options for it already?
I shouldn't have implied that. I have not done enough research on all available options to assert that there are no good options.