I went to college but I’m gen X. For gen Y or younger, college is probably a waste. most careers that want excessive education have quotas, especially medicine. In the US, white males need an exceptional score on the MCAT (35+) to have a chance at medical school.
It depends on your preferences, but as a man, the more intelligence, skill, and danger, involved, the more money you can make. Obviously owning your own business is the route to wealth, but that’s not something I know much about.
Most women are not going to be very interested unless you have something to offer. Results beat education every time.
Hm, makes sense. It's not about how you earn, but that you earn - the more, the better.
I would never pick a black doctor because of affirmative action
1000 percent correct
Good advice
Income is highly correlated with IQ
College students today have average IQ = 102 In 1939 college students IQ = 119.
Too many people are applying to college but many should not. A person with 102 IQ cannot handle a college curriculum. A real curriculum not gender studies or social justice nonsense