Unless people are willing to fight HARD, to secure their inalienable property rights, including bitcoin - things will become pretty bleak. Currently it's impossible to defend real property from the suit mafia, due to their monopoly on violence. And our general cowardice in defending each other from our rulers. (stop drinking the fluoride FFS.) Bitcoin does give us a fighting chance to property.
And because this is Stacker News: Bitcoin WILL also fail if we don't onboard BILLIONS of people to holding their own keys, and also hopefully running a node. Custody solutions will centralize nodes (consensus), and set us on a path to ruin like the current fiat banking system. This will allow them to rehypothicate even bitcoin! Many calculate, in its current form, bitcoin can only support 110million active key holders. This is not going cut it
I don't know if that means CTV/LNHANCE, or some other method still undiscovered. I was previously against CTV as a knee-jerk reaction - but it's looking no more dangerous than the already existing DLC/Discrete Log Contract.