We all know people who can't be convinced no matter what, who look at us like we're annoying weirdos—if not outright scammers—upon discussing Bitcoin in any context whatsoever. Nevertheless, success stories must be had... or else what are we even doing? Even if the goal isn't onboarding "everyone" like some say, there's still uncontacted Bitcoiners out there in the wild, just waiting to be made aware.
Mine was... 🥁 🥁 🥁
My old man.
I first talked to him about it during the 2017 bullrun and he shot it down hard. Zero interest in "wasting money on that," and he felt totally vindicated to have dodged the bullet I proposed when it crashed. And this was probably—all things considered—better because it avoided the awkward relationship issue that could've resulted if he'd bought and watched it crash on him. 👀
So years go by, not a peep. After El Salvador made BTC legal tender (we are in fact Salvadoran) we talked about it again, and he thought it was retarded. I was by now a whee older, so we argued about it, and then he was vindicated again during the 2022 crash. 👀
We don't talk about it again until he, independently and on his own, brings it up, because all through '23 he'd been watching the Federal Reserve's inflationary shenanigans. Of his own accord he started explaining to me that the money is fake and devaluing, and he brought up BTC without my saying a word. So technically the Federal Reserve did the job, but he wouldn't have known an alternative without our years worth of talks.
no lie, Satoshi's White Paper
Although I didn't grok it 100%, I knew enough to realize that this was a real breakthrough and not a scam, like some were claiming.
Oh, oops, I thought you were talking about what orange-pilled us, not who we've orange-pilled.
I've encouraged quite a few to take the plunge, but most of them stopped talking about it after the 2022 crash. I'm not sure if they sold or HODL'd, as our relationships revolve around more than just bitcoin. Guess I should check up and see which of my friends still own bitcoin
This book, The Internet of Money, by Antonopoulos.
My stories: #319682 #353307
All these people sometimes show me their values in dollars or ask at what level they entered...
Our goal - never stop and keep on going spread Bitcoin word
That's mine...
Saylor :
This video of Michael saylor Orange pilled me!