Thank you for this. Walking has long been my form of exercise (and meditation!), and it was one of the things that drew me into the community (I know it's almost certainly not the vector for a lot of folks).
Working on making good decisions around time preference is one of my major current goals; I tend to be impatient (one of the reasons walking is so valuable for me is that it forces me to be in situations where rushing and immediate gratification aren't always available, and I can slow my thoughts down), and I focusing on more low-time preference stuff is something I need to be better at.
(In my fiat work, people often use the term "urgent vs important," and I think that's a variation of the same theme.)
I agree. Adding on, the way performance reviews are structured in my industry and country makes us focus mainly on the urgent. We have such reviews every May and November, so it is unlike some enterprising people to focus on high-visibility but not necessarily high-impact projects.
Thanks for sharing about yourself!