On v3 transactions the three ‘unprofessional reviewers” are free to deploy v3-enabled bitcoin infrastructure to back up their reviews with real-world demonstrations as I did invite them to do so before the PR merge.
Time spent reviewing and working on the PR is not a convincing argument. Let’s all remember OP_EVAL.
Within a few weeks, the same threads were set to being publicly readable, as the idea seemed worth exploring further.
I’ll let you comment on the “fait accompli” as I’m pointing out in Pieter Hintjens book. Given the technical complexity of the mempool at the very contrary on my side all the discussions should be public. I did pointed out on the original cluster mempool issue (#27677) all the potential interactions with other parts of the ecosystem (miners, LN, L1 on-chain users) that I think the designers of cluster mempools are not completely mastering themselves.
I for one am pretty sure that it's not mandatory for Bitcoin Core contributors to publicly share their every crazy idea as it pops into their head. I'd even go so far that some might want to do a little more pondering before they do.
It’s not mandatory to share every crazy idea in public, yes. However with cluster mempools we’re very far from this “soundness” threshold as it’s already been presented in a restrained circle few core dev a while. Why more secrecy about this project ?