We are happy to share with other fathers and sons. There may be some mistakes in the manuscript but upon reflection we might want to edit to a perfection in the reflection of fathers and sons.
Written 26 years ago by a 28 year old man this poem seems to weather well in imperfection. What we enjoy seeing is the Gnosis that is timeless in Generative principal and we wish we could claim greatness but it is only in the observation of the Universe and it's Author that we owe this credit to.
The hexagram is the male and female triangle combined generating a male child. This male child is the Sun. The sun is 360 degrees. Each triangle is 180/3 degree. 33. The heaven hexagram is the seal of Solomon which is Sol + Mon or Sun and Moon. Also we get Shalom or Salaam as peace. But only if we accept responsibility for preservation and respect of the union.
We may edit this again or we may just accept the imperfection as Kundalini weaving itself from the lower depths of the mother to the apex of the 7th chakra. The writing belongs as much to the reader as it does to the medium and progenitor. Look at the word Jupiter. Phonetically it is "Dzue + Pater" or Zeus + Father or Dios + Father.
We have to look at the language itself as the builder and spiritual entity. All of the truths are here. We humbly bow to the reader for continuing this journey. Progeny is a blessing.
The zero is the egg or mother. The one is the semen or father. The feminine and masculine are sacred.
It is the omphalos or Oracle of Delphi.
Osiris, Isis and baby Horis.