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Do You live on Your own island with Your family without any contact to western civ? Good for You.
We don't need government. We are responsible for our own actions. The solutions and the problems are our responsibility. The Monopoly of violence is available for those who can not think for themselves.
People outsource their intelligence to central planners and they suffer immeasurably because they are asleep.
I completely agree with you. my point was to point out some empirical data that will create major economic distortions in the adjustment process.
We work on the family. We work on positive sexual relationships with our spouse. We work on cultivating the mind. We work on being responsible for our actions.
Government is
Kubern - steering Ment - mind
By managing our own minds we do not need others who can not even manage their own negative habits to manage us.
Whether there is government or there is not there is the consequences of our actions. These fruits are what we reap by our karma (action or work in Sanskrit). The Dharma (Dhamma / Torah / Tarot / Earth) is the governing principal that all humans are subject to. We have freedom. We have choice. We have responsibility.
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal. As the Declaration of Independence stated. A priori is self evident knowledge or gnosis.
Data is a snapshot and we know that there is a thousand words in a picture but an infinite in the Universe (one - verse (song)).
We are built with the solution. We are built with the hands and hearts to manufacture (man means hand ). The proof of work is not in those who are misleading or misled. The proof of work is in our selves that have a direct connection to the Divine (Dios, Deva, Theo, - shining) light.
You seem to be a very spiritual man. Nice
We are spiritual men.
This sounds great in theory unfortunately reality has proven otherwise
Without practice there is no reality only theory. We practice good work and good work gets done.
We are not responsible for fixing other people we are responsible for cultivating our own kindness, goodness, wellness and care. We by doing this provide a positive environment for others to do the same. We also by being organized are able to help others when they ask for this help. In return when we need help others are made available.
This human life is a sacred life. It is not to be taken lightly. Observing others is learning what not to do and how to say, "no."
The fully understood life is never wasted. The life of fixing others is deceptive and misguided. When we fix our selves we become an example and we can learn from others who are a good example.
The truth is only accumulated by investigation, practice and thoughtful action.
So many stackers work for amnesty international
AI really is the worst bunch of commies that make themselves feel good by scratching each other's balls and stupidly attacking those who think differently.
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Why does USA 🇺🇸 have diversity mandates in school admissions and hiring?