We currently have full text search. What advantage would hashtags have?
I use them as a way to search generically for a specific topic without knowing the exact text.
Say for instance I write a helpful guide as a reply to someone on a specific topic, and tag it with a hashtag. Assuming other use like-kind hashtags you could easily search for something like #coldstorage and pull down all the posts with that tag. So essentially the same function as Twitter (at least how I used them). Perhaps what you have implemented would work the same way.
You can add hashtags to your posts now if you want and they'll be searchable afaik. There aren't any features geared toward hashtags though.
On a related note, users have asked for 'filters' or 'categories' so that users who only wanted to read on economics could browse that and so on.
Sounds pretty similar to sub-reddits. I dig it!
Appreciate the real-time feedback, as always sir. I appreciate you and the work you are doing here.