Interesting interview with Admati about her views on banking, bailouts, credit/equity, "basel endgame"...

Why is this fiat person interesting for bitcoiners?

Admati is not a bitcoiner but I think she is an important forethinker on what our traditional banking system has become. And really questioning is structurally.
Admati is mainly known for advocating for a banking system that hasn't a safety net by the state and instead lets depositors know about the safety of their assets by free market rates and reducing the domino-effect risk of banking by enforcing more equity such as stocks, real estate etc instead of even more credit such as bonds, lending, federal reserve deposits. Private non-bank lenders have much more conservative riskprofiles because the government isn't incentivizing them to be reckless.

This is like listening to Bach to understand modern pop

Or like studying Assembly & C programming to understand python, Go and Java. Or like studying Japans Meji restauration to understand manga/anime. She layed important groundworks in the year 2004 for what Satoshis vision would be 5 years later. She didn't get it or wasn't courageous enough to reject the whole fiat system.
I hope you listen to it and watch it with the critical eye of a bitcoiner. Of course there are major/fundamental things I disagree with her, and at times it is frustrating. But I hope it still sparks a few lightbulb moments for you how things connect and how history lead us where we are now.