Same. Do you have any recommendations for good interviews, or interviewees? I'm always on the lookout.
The Chaincode & Blockstream podcasts are infrequent but often good.
NVK's Bitcoin Review is always a nice jumping off point, even if they don't go deep on the topics it usually leads you down a rabbit hole to an interesting new project.
What Bitcoin Did tends to go a bit macro for me these days, but I really enjoyed the episode last year with Calle talking about Cashu and they've had Shinobi back on recently which is a welcome return. Also the recent episode with Carla Kirk-Cohen was nice and probably what I had in mind as the counter point to the QTR one you mentioned.
I'm not the person you asked for a suggestion but just going to mention Preston Pysh's name, in case you are not already listening to him. Great as an interviewer (and occasional interviewee).
Good suggestion -- I do listen to him already, but it's good to be explicit. I thought his moderation of the Atlantis panel w/ Saylor, Lyn, and ... that other guy was really good. Just a very adept media dude.