For a tiling window manager, try Qtile. It's written in Python (anyone sensing a theme yet?) and the configuration file is Python, which allows for some handy conveniences as well as some odd quirks.
I've added key bindings to do things like
  • resize the current window with <win>+up/down/left/right
  • move a window around within the current desktop <win>+<shift>+up/down/left/right
  • move a window to a specific desktop <win>+<shift>+[1-9]
  • switch to a specific desktop <win>+[1-9]
  • open a terminal <win>+<alt>+t
  • open a file manager <win>+<alt>+d
  • run a command <win>+`
  • kill the current window <win>+Escape
Thanks. I hear this one mentioned sometimes.