When we look at something with judgment, our attention is focused into a narrow beam. Our brains physically limit what we can see so that we can focus on facing this thing that we perceive as a 'threat.' While this can be essential for our survival, it also has a detrimental effect on our well-being.
But if vou approach the world with an intent to appreciate, your focus broadens into a much wider beam. You are now able to perceive beauty that was previously invisible to you. Adopting a wider beam can help you to become more present, more loving, more creative, more fulfilled, and less stressed.
One place where we're especially guilty of using our narrow beam? On ourselves! We look at ourselves with such judgment. We can't see our good and wonderful qualities, our progress, our humanity.
Today, I want you to look at yourself and widen your beam. Ask “What’s something that I appreciate about myself?”