Hehe this is interesting. One of my proudest parenting moments was when my 2nd born lost his first tooth and everyone around him was excitedly going on the about the tooth fairy and was he going to put it under his pillow etc... He quizzed me about it and I told him how it worked. It went like this: Him: so does the fairy keep my tooth then and I just a get a couple of dollars? Me: Well yeah Him: so that's the last I'll see of it? Me: Correct Him: Well she's not having it! I'm keeping it
From there on he never gave up any of his teeth and kept all of them (except the ones he swallowed by accident haha).
This graph made me laugh so hard. I never would have thought that such data existed.
Shit, my kids are getting shorted!
My daughter hasn't started losing her teeth yet. I gave my son sats for the last tooth he lost a few years ago. We used to give 5 dollars a tooth.
Didn't someone create something like a tooth fairy piggy bank but with a lightning wallet? Am I dreaming?
I was planning on slipping my daughter some silver coins for her teeth. Apparently, that's about the right valuation.
The joys of parenting. Finding an extra 84 cents to sneak under the pillow, when they’ve only just stopped crying and gone to sleep for the night.
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr OP 5 Mar
i bet the tooth fairy holds BTC on their balance sheet, it’s the only way to keep up with inflation