Click on the Windows installer (electrum-x.x.x-setup.exe) to download it.
Download Signature File:
Right below or next to the download link for the installer, you'll find a link to the signature file (electrum-x.x.x-setup.exe.asc). Click it to download the signature file. Make sure both files are saved in the same directory.
Electrum's public signing key needs to be imported into Kleopatra for verification. You can usually find instructions or the key itself on the Electrum website's download section.
In Kleopatra, go to "File" > "Import Certificates" and navigate to the downloaded key file or paste the copied key text if directed to do so from the website.
Successful Verification: A message indicating that the signature is valid confirms the Electrum installer is genuine and has not been altered. You can proceed with the installation.
Failed Verification: If the verification fails, do not proceed. Ensure you've downloaded the correct signing key and files from official sources. If problems persist, seek assistance or download the files again.
After successful verification, double-click the Electrum installer (electrum-x.x.x-setup.exe) and follow the installation instructions to install Electrum on your Windows system.
Step 1: Install Gpg4win (Including Kleopatra)
).Step 2: Download Electrum and Its Signature File
) to download it.electrum-x.x.x-setup.exe.asc
). Click it to download the signature file. Make sure both files are saved in the same directory.Step 3: Import Electrum's Signing Key
Step 4: Verify the Signature
) and select "More GpgEX options" > "Verify".Step 5: Interpret Verification Results
Step 6: Install Electrum
) and follow the installation instructions to install Electrum on your Windows system.