Indeed the word extreme is relative and used by some economists only. Its not a coined concept. Some call it a different word and there is no consensus. What i mean by extreme, is the way we push the shareholder benefit every single year against the product and the worker. the way we maximize profits and then recurr to scam practices makes the market price artificially low and then that translates for lesser margins. I agree the FIAT itself is a cornerstone of the problem itself. As money debasses the need for profit is higher. We definitly are in a recession but the zombie companies are there for ages, not related to this current recession.
I cant see how no regulations can help.. We saw history full of exploitation and slave work. We regulated that, it got better for a while.
I sometimes i have trouble understanding how people love sound money ruled to the mathematical precision, but then dont belive in market rules. Dont you trhink thats antagonistic?