If I may.
We have generations of plebs conditioned to believe that the state has their best interest at heart. The common man has not learned to be skeptical. If you were to remove all regulations on drugs for example you'd see a rash of problems. But over time people would learn and we'd all be better off.
This is what I believe is going on with "crypto". The public is naive and gullible. Even within the regulated markets people get scammed so regulation really doesn't protect people from it.
Bitcoiners are just people like any others. We all have opinions. Just like your family probably has diverse opinions on what food is best to eat, we all think we are right. It is the free market of ideas. The same is true with bitcoin in relation to crypto.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 5 Mar
As i mentioned to 21M previously,
I probably have an anarchistic heart and probably a technocratic mind sometimes 🤪