Hey, would you mind explaining why you shared a tweet with a link rather than just the link? No judgement. I've just noticed other users do this and I'm curious as to what the motivation is so we can maybe facilitate the use case better.
just my 2 sats…
it can be a good growth hack to direct people to twitter via forums like SN & reddit, it’s probably the place where people are most likely to give you an impulse-follow (rather than signing up for your email newsletter, subscribing to your podcast, etc…).
not sure of bolt’s intentions (and no judgment here either), but by making people go to twitter and then to substack, they could get people to follow them on twitter first, and maybe even on substack too.
the downside of course is that it could also annoy some people who want to read the article directly.
@kr pretty much nailed it, we're trying to grow our following :)
disclaimer: i'm the ceo of bolt.observer
Let's give it a try ^^.
Is there a Tor website version?
not yet, but we'll put it on our to-do list
It's more easy for newbies to check out thier transactions in Bitcoin Lightning Network now and to understand what's LN 🥳🥳
What nodes do Muun wallet and BlueWallet use?
Hell yeah. Powerful tool.
Its good to have a good idea like explorer. As it provides better insights and results on lightening activity.