This feels like a good idea. But let's try an experiment (which admittedly is probably not where you meant to take it):
Imagine I'm a writer of fiction. I write a story that I think is interesting and compelling. I put it out to the world. No one reads it.
I wrote it for myself, so that's great. But I think many writers (and many people who make things) want to do more than write for themselves (or solve their own problems).
When you put work into a thing like a story, it feels wasted if no one else ever reads it.
If a writer feels they wasted effort after publishing a piece, then their itch was not scratched in the act of writing it.
Maybe their itch is the need to be recognized, or spread their ideas, or maybe they wanted to make income from their efforts.
If the writer's itch is based in ego or bank account, few besides the writer will find the scratch useful to their own itch.
Maybe the writer should pivot from fiction to self-help or get rich quick books.
Maybe the writer should pivot from fiction to self-help or get rich quick books.
Those self-help books certainly seem to be all over the place. I often wonder who is buying them.