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I understand not everyone is aware of the formatting options available with markdow. Feel free to copy this template to craft and share your best recipes here on Stacker.News. This is obviously just a suggestion, use it and modify as you wish. Let's help our visitors easily read and follow our delights!

Bitcoin Recipe Template

## **Recipe Title:**

![Image or video of the image and (link/to/image-within-parenthesis.jpg)](https://placehold.co/600x400/fada5e/000000?text=Hello\nWorld)

**Categories:** [desserts], [baking], [feel good], [comfort food], ...

**Yields:** [Number of servings]

**Prep Time:** [Estimated preparation time]

**Cook Time:** [Estimated cooking time]

**Total Time:** [Estimated total time]

- - - 

##  Ingredients:
Use metric or imperial measurements (or both, much better)
* [ ] [`1g` Ingredient]
* [ ] [`2tsp` Ingredient]
* [ ] [`3ml` Ingredient]
* [ ] ...

## Instructions:

1. [Step 1]
2. [Step 2]
3. [Step 3]
4. ...

## Tips:

* [Optional tip 1]
* [Optional tip 2]
* [Optional tip 3]
* ...

The result will be something like this

Recipe Title

Categories: desserts, baking, feel good, comfort food
Yields: 8 servings
Prep Time: 7min
Cook Time: 14minh
Total Time: 21min


Use metric or imperial measurements (or both, much better)
  • 1g Ingredient
  • 2spoon Ingredient
  • 3ml Ingredient
  • ...


  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3
  4. ...


  • Optional tip 1
  • Optional tip 2
  • Optional tip 3
  • ...

Bon appétit!
  • Replace the bracketed information with the details of your recipe.
  • Select and use the sections as needed (e.g., remove "Tips" if not applicable).
  • Use a clear and concise writing style and describe any detail of your process. If you could include some kitchen secrets eve better!
  • Use multiple images to visually accompaign each step of the process in details and visually help the readers reach the same result
  • Make sure you include the reference name or weblink to the original chef name, recipe link and photographer of the recipe pictures or video whenever it applies.
As a teacher, I love how you try to provide some form of standardisation in your territory haha
Thank you, but not really trying to standardise at all. It aimed to be just a reference. Hope it's useful :)
WOW awesome, I was struggling a lot with markdown, I will probably use this a lot thank you!
Sweet! Let me know how you go and how easy/hard is to edit
Thanks for the template, im about to write my next recipe
You welcome, I'm glad you will use it. Please let me know if it can be improved somehow