I am about 2-3 episodes away from finishing the entire series, so I'm almost done! Please share away :)
šŸ‘€ let me know what you think about the ending and especially how you feel in the @saloon. Did you watch the whole series in 4 weeks? Took me a lot longer, I even stopped for some reason until I started watching it from the start again with my ex-girlfriend and she loved it and was deeply moved by the story. And I thought I was deeply moved! lol
I actually thought about that after I posted, thinking that you couldn't zap the post. At least, not from @ek, but maybe as @anon. For my next Mr. Robot post, I'll still drop it in ~security, but I won't forward any sats to you, so you can boost your own territory lol
Oh, right, the @anon tricks. No worries, you can still forward to me but I'll never forget how I felt when I saw the 1% forward from @itsTomekK here. It felt like a serious troll, lol
Interesting, TIL!
Unfortunately, that is the only interview I watched with her so far ever, lol. But it was great and I want to learn more about the people behind famous companies that I like. Makes me feel connected to them in a more personal way even though it's unidirectional.