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7 Myths and Misconceptions About Coffee

It’s 2024, time to stop letting Depression-era flimflam get between you and a great cup of coffee.

COFFEE IS ONE of the most widely consumed psychoactive beverages on the planet. Nearly every country, region, and culture has its own unique way of preparing and consuming coffee. There's nothing simple about coffee. Those beans in your kitchen are the sum total of a complex series of interactions between international corporations, roasters, shippers, marketers, wholesalers, and even the growers who put the seeds in the ground. It's complicated.
Below we bust some of the most common coffee myths and misconceptions, to help you become a more informed consumer of this deliciously bitter elixir.
We're seriously wired here at WIRED. Be sure to check out our guide on How to Make Better Coffee at Home, or take a look at our coffee-related buying guides to the Best Espresso Machines, the Best Coffee Subscriptions, and the Best Coffee Grinders.

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Now I know that coffee is not only popular for drinking, it's popular for writing and reading about
Coffee is a really popular topic, and I like to know about what I consume.