Vortex is Raycast extension that uses Nostr Wallet Connect to let you control your lightning wallet with unprecedented speed — send and receive bitcoin with a keyboard shortcut.
Just set any keyboard shortcut to send, receive, view recent transactions or see wallet balance. Access you wallet functions anytime and anywhere in your macOS.
You can currently use Vortex with Alby, Mutiny, Umbrel and Start9. Create NWC pairing string and paste it during Vortex setup to connect your wallet to the extension.
I am not a developer, but my dev friends from Alby are always preaching how easy it is to integrate bitcoin with apps with NWC. So I decided to test it and built this extension with GPT with 0 knowledge of typescript or js. It took me one weekend to do this and now this is my favourite lightning wallet interface. Even though I can't code! If I can integrate bitcoin into an app, so can you! Find out more about how to integrate bitcoin into your app at www.nwc.dev
Vortex is MIT licensed and open to contributions https://github.com/getAlby/Vortex
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