A bucket of pucks
Growing up, my friends and I would often propose various trades in the sports we liked. I guess in some ways I haven't grown up much because we did that here on SN for the NFL, NBA and now NHL trade deadline. As kids, when we weren't fond of a player we would say something to the effect of "I would trade him for a bucket of pucks (or balls if you are talking baseball, football or basketball)". Or occasionally you would name another throw away player and add "and a bucket of pucks".
Today, is the NHL trade deadline, which is a day I used to love when I was much more infatuated with the sport of hockey. There is usually a flurry of activity and some big name players on the move. While so far no one has been traded for a bucket of pucks we have had one winner in our NHL trade deadline contest as @BlokchainB inferred correctly that Casey Mittlestadt would be traded, so 500 sats were zapped to Blok.
Let's all just hope that the Leafs don't get any players that would impair their team chemistry which is that of perennial losers. I would hate to have one of my great joys- Maple Leafs playoff collapses, put in jeopardy with the acquisition of a proven winner.
If you haven't joined our UFC pick 'em for UFC 299 tomorrow night, you can do so here #454735. It should be a solid card.
Sats for all,
150 sats \ 1 reply \ @gnilma 8 Mar
Sorry to throw things off topic, but did you guy catch the Nuggets vs Celtics game and also the Twolves vs Pacers game last night? Aaron Gordon was playing as if he's in a slam dunk contest. That put back dunk in the 4th and the alley oop from Joker on the final play were crazy!
And how about Ant? Got hurt twice, went off the court twice, and came back twice. Going turbo in the 4th and that block at the end of the game, damn nice!
Jokic was unbelievable last night. He shook my faith in the field.
Anthony Edwards is my 14th favourite NBA player. 12 raptors, then SGA and then Ant man.
For the first time I can remember, the Raiders don't have anyone (players or coaches) who I'd trade for a bucket of pucks, with the caveat that it would need to be someone who could fetch a bucket of pucks.
A bucket of pucks would be pretty useless in Football. Would you trade Jimmy G for big 42 gallon barrel of pigskin?
I was already in the headspace that he was off the roster. If there are no takers for Jimmy G, then I'd happily sweeten the deal with Hoyer.
Victory is so sweet!! Plus Bowen scored in his first shot as a Sabre!! Sucks to lose Mitsy but that’s the business
Thanks for the sats