When the beast of 2020 came around I tried to tell all my business partners that everything had changed, and also that nothing would ever be the same again...
Short story is that I then had to ditch 2 agencies with a dozen+ people that I had spent half a decade building up, part of a house left back in Europistan, most of my stuff and also a newly minted company with a business visa here in Asia.
Then I YOLOed into Bitcoin, still holding most of that!
Things got way harder in 21 and 22 of course, maneouvering all the shitty "testing" and of course not getting any of my closest family here injected with the bioweapons took most of my resources and energy.
Never ever got tested, never ever gave in, and Bitcoin was sooo central in that!
I've been hodling through that, living on as little as ~20 bucks a day, now ~10 while mapping out all of our new reality. There is no way I build anything from scratch again without having a foundation that will not crumble like meatspace did in 20!
And for that Bitcoin is of course the centerpiece. Everything I have been doing the past years has been geared towards hodling what I have and slowly buidling a few things that will earn sats regardless of what happens :-)
Finding this site today also marks a watershed moment I think, at least coupled together with Nostr that has been that lighthouse in the dark for around a year now, and certainly since putting most of my energy into it since last summer.
I guess this was a sorta rantivation? Finally I feel like home online, that is for sure! :-)