yes, thank You, i agree. what would be the time frame in which all this plays out? i have no idea anymore, because people put up with the smallest state gifts, subsidies and manipulation by the press and continue to support the system
I think that mentally/emotionally most are struggling to cope...
  1. People have tried fighting back, but each time, the Establishment play for time. (Eg Brexit).
  2. We know the West is in full on recession, which is hidden by money printing and dodgy gov stats, but there are no mainstream actors with the guts to say so which means many dint hear this.
  3. And the collapse of the public realm means day to day living is much harder, as basically nothing works properly.
  4. Add on lockdowns, inflation, access to healthcare, media propaganda and so on; life is actually significantly harder, and people are not it looks like most settle for scraps...
I can see this happening a lot in Europe these days. And 99% don't find the power to break out of this vicious circle
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @mf 12 Mar
Hard to say. But european countries eyeballing msndatory conscription already for next year, along with the EU digital ID, if there is a significant exodus and they csnt collect enough to pay all the bills, all of it could very well blow up before we reach their magic 2030. That combined with more and more money flowing into BTC and out of the fiat rails, it looms like a perfect storm is brewing in every country sliding hard into police/totalitarian states. Feels like it will only take a little spark for this whole thing to go to space.
Would you leave?
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @mf 12 Mar
Leaving into btc should be everyone's plan and enough to be better than 99%. But with the option to get out of big cities and get a piece of land, even better.
Good advice