Hey, thanks for sharing. I have created my account there and from my brief visit I can confirm most of the things you mentioned in your article. However, I believe that, SN is doing great and learning is quite easier and fun here.
I agree! SN is amazing! I’ve been following them for a long time and although I don’t use it as often as I would have loved to, there’s so much to learn here.
But something to take note of when it comes to platforms is that we don’t approach them all the same way.
For example, you’ll never find yourself of LinkedIn writing a post as if you’re on Twitter. The way you’d write on engage on Instagram is so different from how you write and engage on Twitter.
It’s almost as if your mind unconsciously flips a different switch when on each platform.
SN’s culture is different from Emeralize. When you go on Emeralize the first thing that comes to your mind is to learn or upload a course you’ve put together. This is not the same user psychology we exhibit here on SN although you can learn a lot on the platform.
Hang out!
Sure will!