Are you aware of something called which is built on top of LN?
Impervious API: Your portal to the p2p internet Impervious API is a programmatic layer that sits on top of the Bitcoin Lightning Network, i.e. "Layer 3." Developers can leverage the Impervious API to easily build secure p2p data transmissions and payments into their applications and services.
  1. Truly peer-to-peer (like the Internet was meant to be)
  2. Censorship and surveillance resistant
  3. Default encrypted
  4. Payments built in
Public release this summer.
Bitfrost / Storm is built on top of lightning and already does realtime P2P, chat, distributed file transfer (downpour), and bitcoin finance (BiFi) over lightning
Will Bifrost enabled node charge a fee for the hosting services? Or what are the incentives?
I read about it before, but where can I download this app for macOS or iOS?
It's not really and app, but more of a additional software you will run next to your LN node. Other people can build apps based on that.
They said will release in summer.
hyped for this. its success would very much depends on LN nodes network being more decentralised
Much more excited about the RGB ecosystem.
So decentralized that they are not going to release it lol Joke aside I hope they hold on the hype they have created because it's been a while since the first announcement and Impervious is becoming the Half Life 3 of browsers
lol. i agree to it. have been waiting for it for like 2 years!