The honest answer is there is really no way to know. I don't think anyone even knows "how many laws exist". Try to find it google, you won't be able to find an answer.
When you add in Federal, State, City PLUS the millions of regulatory edicts (color of law), its really impossible to know.
Just as a small example. The "Obamacare law" was about 900 pages. Its not just a "single law", but an entire corpus of related laws. There are maybe 10000 laws in that single document. However lots of those "laws" are really designations of power to other federal one of those 10,000 laws may authorize the Dept of Health and Human Services to "collect data on XYZ"....that Dept may then write up another 100 pages of new regulations on how to comply with that law.
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Too much delegation of power to various agencies