Would I buy the car again?
It depends. I feel that having a Tesla is an experience everyone should be privileged to have. Nothing like any other, even after comparing it to many different EVs I've had the opportunity of testing. Having said that, it's a real luxury most cannot afford and I consider myself fortunate to have had the experience of owning a Model 3. As we all know, for the common people like me, cars are neither an investment nor an asset - and Teslas are particularly expensive - so the commitment to buy one is a pretty big deal.
If I could part with the money after making a sound and financially conscious decision, I would definitely buy the car again only if it were to be used as a secondary vehicle for my household. Using it for small commutes, picking up the kids from school or going to get a frozen yogurt on the weekend. It's a fun luxury, no doubt about it. I really feel it's a privilege to have this grown-up toy if you can. Everyone knows its fast, has instant torque, is comfortable and comes with lots of cool gadgets and widgets.
However, if you're still stacking up your savings or emergency fund, if you still have a mortgage to pay that you can amortize, if you don't have a garage to charge it overnight, or if you plan on using it as the main transportation means for your family, my honest advice is just to forget about it. It's not worth it. Be sure to focus first on your financial stability and get a good cheap all-rounder internal combustion engine car for yourself and maybe revisit the idea in about five years. In the near future, EVs will be cheaper, offer greater autonomy and hopefully benefit from a decent public infrastructure by then not only in terms of availability but also faster charging times (which is one of my biggest complaints).
To be totally frank, at the point I am in my life right now, I wouldn't buy it. I would rather use the money instead to mitigate high interest rates or save it as a financial cushion.
I'm still struggling with the idea of whether I've only reached this conclusion because I was lucky to drive one around. If I hadn't, maybe I would be disappointed for not seeing what the buzz was about and for feeling left out. Having said that, I prefer to believe that I am bit less shallow than than. You see, at the end of the day, the problem was making it our main family car, and that was simply a big and costly mistake. I love the car, but it's not suited for that and I would rather have used the money more wisely.
If you're still reading this, maybe it's because you're thinking of getting one. If so, my key takeaway for you is to really think it through. If you see it as an inexpensive toy for ocasional drives, by all means be my guest and get one! If money, practicality and logistics are a concern, get a cheap ICE instead.
I hope this helps.