A baby carrier that was bought in the 1990s and is still going strong to this day. I did not buy this baby carrier, and got it as a hand me down. It was originally bought by my brother-in-law(wife's older sister's husband)'s sister when she had her oldest child. I think her oldest child was born in 1995, so she must have bought the carrier around 1997 or so, as it is made for toddlers. The baby carrier had been passed down to her brother, then to my family, then to my wife's other sister, and now to my wife's cousin. It had carried a total of 9 kids, through countless trails, to numerous summits, with an insane number of kid-naps taken in the carrier, and still going strong carrying its 10th kid. The first kid that the carrier carried is now married and probably going to have her own kid soon.
Love it. It's amazing how long some things can last, that aren't even thought of as durable.