Late night musings with Dick Greaser
I am shocked by how many similarities there are between Dennis Porter and Benjamin Franklin. They just put out a propaganda TV show about BFrank on Apple TV. The timing is synchronistic and I feel it's the universe telling us all that DPorter is the reincarnation of BFrank.
BFrank not only invented electricity by catching lightning with his bare hands and trapping it in a bottle, but also brokered the victory of the American Revolution. He was quite the innovator and visionary, just like Dporter.
While Dennis has neither brokered the victory of the Bitcoin revolution, or caught lightning with his hands, he still has a ton to prove. That being said, I think it's reasonable that he can live up to the legacy of Benjamin Franklin, or even surpass it. During BFranks time, he never was able to take selfies with politicians and disperse them on the internet.
Dennis' potential reach is much higher. Also Dennis has access to planes, trains and automobiles making the velocity at which he can galavant around influencing the ruling class unparalleled. He has not been home for three weeks, but has likely accomplished what would've taken Benjamin Franklin over 1 year to do.
The bull market is here, and it has never been more prescient that Dennis shield us Bitcoin users from the wrath of the fiat maximalists who know they are losing. For the prophecy of Dennis to come true, he must catch a bolt of lightning in a bottle on stage at Bitcoin Nashville. It would be close to a miracle for this to happen, but with the help of the good Lord Satoshi, anything is possible. I mean Black Rock is buying Bitcoin, and Peter Schiff already has a stack himself.
If Dennis is able to achieve this, it would mean that Bitcoin is unstoppable as the fiat maxis could not withstand his power. Elizabeth Warren would melt like the witch from the Wizard of Oz, as Dennis Porter orange pills Donald Drump while on the Joe Rogan Experience. This is what hyper bitcoinization looks like.
Help us Dennis Porter, you are our only hope -Richard Greaser March 11, 2024
You're Awesome! Amazing Stuff! I secretly know who you're talking about. 😜😜
What do you mean secretly?
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