If memory serves, you started working full time on Deezy a few months before Ordinals really blew up. I remember you were focused on lightning liquidity services, and then when Ordinals hit, started experimenting with lightning minting and transfer services before really focusing on rare sat hunting. Can you talk a bit about that pivot? I think a lot of people outside the ordinals ecosystem might have been confused/oblivious to that shift. I hear (as I'm sure you do) a lot of people say "why are you working on ordinals? why not work on X???" where X is whatever that person thinks is most important to Bitcoin. I think there's a lot to be learned from people who are actually building stuff talking about where they decided to spend their time and why.
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Thanks for the question @rijndael. If you remember, I made a tweet asking if anyone was doing NFTs on nostr, and you replied suggesting I look at ordinals. Thank you for that!
When I noticed the buzz around ordinals, I knew something big was happening and wanted to get involved. In the early days there were two issues: no launchpads and no wallets, so I tried building both using the lightning and nostr tools that bitcoiners were using. I felt it was worth the time because growth for my lightning business was stagnating as we were already the top lightning node, so I was looking for things to expand into.
I thought there would be more uptake of lightning and nostr among ordinals, but that hasn't really happened. Instead, lots of great on-chain tooling has been built, which is awesome.
And finally, when running a business, you need to make money. If I were a volunteer or running a charity, then we could make our decisions based on what is best for Bitcoin. But since I'm running a company, we need to be receptive to market feedback, and we can only sustainably build things if people are going to pay for them. In the ordinals world, people are willing to pay for a lot of things, so it's a great place to build.
And why did we land on rare sat hunting? It ended up being the most sustainably profitable thing out of our various experiments
Have you tried prostitution?
Only once, as a client, where I met your mother
So even then you ended up losing money.
Probably best to give up on your "entrepreneur" dream, and realize you've become just another scammer.