Suggestions? You see where it is going? No one gives up money and no one gives up power and control.
I have no skin in the game and little knowledge of the industry. I have friends with knowledge and they concur with me on the problems. What I propose has little weight but in general most issues like this are solved by market forces and incentives. Not state control and manipulation. How we get there is more complex.
How we get there is very ugly. We can't have state control and manipulation and we can't have total corporate control and manipulation, so we have to have agreement and compromise. But those are gone from the current system so we have fights. Currently, mostly rhetorical, but that is rapidly changing.
From what I've seen the situation in Texas is far better than power in California. I'd say they are the two extremes now. California has some of the strongest state controls on utilities and some of the highest costs and issues like you mention with fires from poorly maintained systems. Its a complete mess. I believe average rates per kWh in California are above 45 cents. There is no reason for this other than restrictions and monopoly.
California overreacted to a crisis, that nearly took the state down. It took down a governor. Ever heard of Enron? Texans.
I don't know, maybe the first step should be remove the monopoly protected by the state. Open it up to competition and then gradually remove regulation. Let them compete.
Neither the Rs or the DS have the answer...