I love your bot.
HN is still the gold-standard of the latest good tech content. Also, always interesting to read the insider information in the comments from a senior Google engineer or someone who worked directly with a tech icon who just died. Unfortunately, noise has become bad these days with lots of non-constructive Reddit style threads of wannabe comedians. Dang has a hard time moderating these days.
Hope SN will be the bitcoin-standard one day of good tech content other than just bitcoin tech~~ until then, we have your bot.
I hate that wannabe-comedian-style comment so much -- it's like the Gresham's law of social media, idiot comments push out good ones.
I can't fathom how people can stand to spend their time doing that or reading it. Hopefully we will have enough moderation tools to stomp the shit out of that tendency in the territories if it ever arises on SN.