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Good Morning.
There are two types of global people.
  1. Ones who want to control others.
  2. Ones that want to control themselves.
  3. Slaves.
Slaves are those who have been convinced that their labor belongs to someone else
#Bitcoin allows us to control ourselves by converting our labor into sovereign money. So if you realize you are a slave and your earnings are in confiscated currency you can get Bitcoin and lose the yoke of FIAT currency.
Yoke yourself with the Dhamma, the Dharma that is the rule of Karma. Your work belongs to you and only those who you volunteer your work to.
Wake up and follow the path put forth by those who left the ICE Age under the sign of Aries.
The Age of Pisces is over.
The Age of Aquarius is now.
Wake up and baptize yourself with clean water. Wake up and bathe in the knowledge of self a awareness. Wake up and understand that we humans have literally come from the oceans and we carry this water with us.
The Noble Truth of the Buddha is one for humans only.
  1. There is Suffering
  2. There is a cause for this suffering
  3. There is a remedy for this suffering
  4. There is a noble Ayrian (Aries) path to end this suffering.
The Noble Eightfold Path:
The Noble Eightfold Path (Sanskrit: आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्ग, romanized: āryāṣṭāṅgamārga)
  1. right view - See things as they are
  2. right resolve - Resolve to awaken from the sleep of slavery
  3. right speech - Speak what is true, kind and helpful
  4. right conduct - Proof of work is the Karma you do and all work has results even inaction is an act
  5. right livelihood - How you earn your property must not involve harming, stealing or killing others
  6. right effort - Turn a light switch on by using the right effort to do so. The same principal goes for any task you wish to accomplish
  7. right mindfulness - Understand that your chemical factory the brain behaves differently under different conditions. Sort this out and be aware of all changes.
  8. right samadhi ('meditative absorption or union'; alternatively, equanimous meditative awareness) - Learn to focus. Learn to observe. Learn skillful actions.
Thanks for bringing up the Noble Eightfold Path. Always good to read about it.
However, the Buddhist term Aryan doesn't have any connection with the sign of the zodiac Aries.
Interesting Bitcoin interpretation of it. Best not cite your interpretation as from Wikipedia (unless it's changed dramatically there).
I enjoyed your post tho.
Wikipedia does not list the connection but it's definitely there. And Ayrian is translated as noble but it doesn't mean the king of means the behavior and practice of those who came from the North or of the Ice Age and this was the end of the age of Taurus. This is when Moses became angry at the Israelites for worshipping the bull. This is why the Ram's both is blown for the temple which is in your head.
Next came the age of Pisces. The fish under water. And now it's the age of Aquarius...
All part of the Great Year which is about 26,000 years.
Right living and action?
Are we asking a question?
Know the path. Know the question.
That's very sneaky and I like it.