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Hypothetical situations are wasted masculine energy. Best to think that Bitcoin will be attacked and as Mises points out in Human Action any activity is rational because someone wants a result from that action.
As the Buddha points out action that is incorrect is wasted. Like raising a sledge hammer in the air to empty a swimming pool by encouraging bees to make sandwiches.
We appreciate your question and apologize for our undesirable answer.
wow this is a waste of a response.
  1. have an original thought. stop offloading your thinking to others.
  2. it's ironic that you're opting for not thinking through an issue ahead of time by quoting people best known for all the thinking they did before coming to the quotes your spouting.
  3. the buddha is referencing specifically to think through your actions before acting on them for precisely the reason you quote.
  4. wtf is masculine about not preparing for the future by wargaming out scenarios and how to combat them?
We love soup sandwiches!
Best to think that Bitcoin will be attacked
sure, but how?
Bitcoin will be attacked by Fiat funded organizations. They will have to print more money to front run price discovery and they will ruin their currency. Bitcoin will not be attacked by people who work for free!
that sounds like it would help Bitcoin rather than hurt it.
if governments start printing money to buy Bitcoin, the price will rip.
Any FIAT currency is a superficial attack and Bitcoin is the first non arbitrary measure of monetary v value.
Yes. It will be attacked. Every possible way.
what is the most likely possible way?