You can choose what we are doing. What do you prefer?
enjoy sailing, look around and relax.75.0%
anquor, swim, eat, drink and talk a bit.0.0%
learn sailing, improve skills + regatta.25.0%
4 votes \ poll ended
Idk but I’m bringing my hardware wallet for sure.
Come aboard, you're welcome :) #boatingaccident
Somehow have a mysterious accident in which no one gets hurt that "loses" all my assets so that the tax man can't have it.
Nothing is impossible on Berlin waters. Did you know that in Germany only Berlin requires a patent for sailing boats? In this case it is for a reason: Very fast yachts, and smaller boats, motorboats, sups, pedalboats, kajaks and 8-person rowing boats use the same piece of water at the same time. Knowing the rules, if anyone on the water(except ferries and inland vessels) has to give you the right of way. The two main rules for sailing : 1. If you are on the same tack as the other boat, the leeward boat has the way of right. 2. If you are not on the same tack as the other boat, the boat, that gets the wind from the starboard side has the right of way. Regattas have additional rules, of course. We had no collision with any other boat so far, but several near-accidents. Your wallet is safe on board as you. But lives matter more than tangible assets, and in a real situation your life is worth more than your wallet. ;) You're welcome aboard: N 52.435° - E 13.166°
reply Regattas are predestined to have a lot of collisions, but surprisingly they are very rare.
Are you an avid sailor?
Yep. I try to be on the water everyday in the summer. 3 days a week minimum. I learned sailing "on land", in my imagination. I visualized every step of a maneuver, froze it, watched it from every angle and aspect and anticipated how it would work onboard in a real situation. I'm improving constantly. I have a boat in Berlin, but as well I made some trips in the Baltic Sea.I love heavy winds, heavy gusts and harsh conditions, but as well a light breeze... Come aboard at N 52.435° - E 13.166°
Very cool