Like everything else in the psychedelic realm, its all about set and setting. I noticed when I would "tend to get lazy as fuck. Eat too much. Seek pleasure and comfort." it was because I was experiencing heightened anxiety when I was smoking. I was anxious because I was ignoring issues and problems in my life and I was using cannabis to escape from those issues.
However, cannabis is a terrible plant to use to escape your problems (at least it is for me). It makes me dwell on them and until I almost have an anxiety attack! Then I eat too much or seek other forms of pleasure to cope with the anxiety. Its a vicious cycle!
So I learned to try to deal with my personal problems and develop a healthy lifestyle and healthy habits first and to use cannabis in moderation only when I had the rest of my affairs in order. I stopped using it as an escape hatch. I can't say I solved my problems and never use cannabis in an unhealthy way anymore but I definitely improved my relationship with it.
This makes a lot of sense. I think there is generally something else going on beyond the cannabis that I am dealing with that puts me into a place I do not want to be. I have been paying more attention to my intentions with it as of late and I feel like my relationship has been improving a lot. Thanks for the reply.